Refugee Support
Portage and Area Refugee Coalition
Website: http://www.portagerefugees.ca/ OR https://www.facebook.com/portagerefugees/
About: The Portage and Area Refugee Coalition is comprised of caring people who wish to reduce the suffering of people around the world who are displaced from their homes through no fault of their own.
Portage Learning and Literacy Centre
Address: 110 Saskatchewan Avenue West, Portage la Prairie, MB R1N 0M1
Phone: 204-857-6304
Website: https://pllc.ca/programs/newcomer-settlement-services/
About: As part of The Portage Learning & Literacy Centre's newcomer settlement services they offer many different services to newcomers. For more information reach out to them!
Manitoba Association of Newcomer Serving Organizations
Address: 610 - 275 Portage Avenue, Winnipeg, MB R3B 2B3
Phone: (204) 272-0872
Website: https://mansomanitoba.ca/
About: The Manitoba Association of Newcomer Serving Organizations (MANSO) is an umbrella organization for immigrant and refugee service providers in the Province of Manitoba. MANSO provides leadership, support and a unified voice for the settlement and integration sector, including core settlement services, language training, employment services, and welcoming communities programs.